The Food Research Lab mimics commercial food and beverage giants and formulates food, snacks, flavoured beverages, chews, gummies, etc. “You name it, we make it.”




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Today’s Task

What We Did Today?

Vegan dip

Event: Today, I decided to formulate a Vegan dip

How I felt (initially before executing the actual task): I always love to handle any project that comes with product formulation with innovation

Actual Task: Product formulation  

What did I learn?

In the modern world, more people are conscious about the world and global warming. So, more people are adapting to vegetarian or vegan lifestyles. Today, this project focuses on the development of vegan dip, which various dishes can accompany. The formulation of the product is carried with vegan-based ingredients. After procurement of the ingredient, the vegan dip is formulated with no added sugar or preservatives. Once the formulation is done, the product is kept for shelf-life study.


What I did Today

Vegan Dip stage1

Image 1

Vegan Dip stage2

Image  2

Vegan Dipfinal stage

Image  3

Formulation of Vegan Dip


The product came out good in terms of texture need to improve taste and flavor of the product

You Tube: 

What went well?

Since the product was formulated after several trials, it has an excellent sensory profile. Currently, we would like to conduct further trials to improve the product’s stability.

What could I have done better?

A better formulation with an improved shelf life could have been developed.
